Tuesday, April 24, 2012

32 weeks

Today's date: April 24, 2012

How far along: 32 weeks

Total weight gain: 12 pounds

Heart Rate: 145 this week, we go back in to the doc in 2 weeks. Can't believe I am down to 2 week visits now.

Size and growth of the baby:
Baby's head will stay squashy and pliable until after she's born in order to help her pass safely through the birth canal, so if you deliver vaginally don't be surprised if your newborn looks more like Marge Simpson than a Gerber baby at first. Even after birth, she will have two soft spots called "fontanels"--one on the top of her head and one on the back--to allow her brain to continue its lightening-speed growth. The rest of Baby's skeleton is hardening up and, like you, she continues to put on weight. Though still very small, she has toenails, fingernails, eyelashes, eyebrows, and a beautiful little face that you'll soon be gazing at lovingly.
Fetal development at week 32

Gender: we don't know, Elijah insists is a grill baby (Girl)

Maternity clothes: Getting a limited supply of shirts that are long enough and are comfortable to wear...

Sleep: Its getting hard to find comfortable ways to sleep. I wake up sore way to much

Best moment(s) of the week: We seen a friends baby boy after church and I said to Eli "Isn't he cute! Our baby will be little like that too!" and Eli replied..."No I want a girl baby." And we also celebrated Zekes 2nd birthday!

Movement: All the time everywhere!

Food cravings/aversions: strawberry banana smoothies and fried mozzarella sticks....

Morning sickness: as long as I don't smell Zekes morning diaper I can do pretty good!

Labor signs: nope

What I miss: moving without being so sore. I am getting more aches here and there and can tell my hips are getting softer and spreading apart even though baby won't come out that way.

What I'm looking forward to: 8 weeks to go!  I was able to find a couple of nursing nighties and bras and a tank top so that was exciting. Slowly writing up some lists of things that I will need to get ready for once we get down to the last month

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

31 Weeks

Today's date: April 17, 2012

How far along: 31 weeks

Total weight gain: 10 pounds

Size and growth of the baby:Though you may feel like Baby head butts your ribs all the time now, he's actually spending the vast majority of his time sleeping. Gaining all that fat we talked about last week is tiring work! And just like adults, Baby experiences rapid eye movement (REM) sleep as well as deep sleep. He also experiences another, unique state of consciousness: an undefined sleep-like state that is unlike an infant's or a grownup's and comes from the immature state of his brain. As his lungs continue to mature, his chances of surviving outside the womb get better every day (though if your baby were born this week he would still be small enough to fit into a large man's hand). It's good that he's sleeping, even if you're not, as the baby is heading into a period of tremendous internal and external growth.

Fetal development at week 31

Gender: we don't know!

Maternity clothes: Getting a limited supply of shirts that are long enough and are comfortable to wear...

Sleep: Starting to need a pillow between my knees while sleeping on my side otherwise I get sore. Getting sore in some spots when I wake up in the morning.

Best moment(s) of the week: Listening to Elijah talk about the baby. Its always referred to as a girl, her, she, sister, etc. So cute...not sure what he will think if its a bot!

Movement: Kicks, punches, rotations, its all happening!

Food cravings/aversions: strawberry banana smoothies are so good, and anything with cheese.

Morning sickness: hit or miss still

Labor signs: nope

What I miss: not being tired all the time after doing easy things. And I miss my good feeling back. I think baby is sitting on some nerves and is really hurting my lower back giving me some sharp pains/ spasm when I move a certain way.

What I'm looking forward to: 9 weeks to go!! This weekend we have The Art of Marriage at church and my sisters 30th birthday party! Busy weekend

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

30 weeks

Today's date: April 10, 2012

How far along: 30 weeks

Total weight gain: 10 pounds

Size and growth of the baby:This week--and in the weeks to come--Baby is busy plumping up. She's laying down two kinds of fat beneath her skin: brown adipose tissue (known as "brown fat"), which she'll need at birth to generate body heat, and white adipose tissue (you guessed it: "white fat"), which is an energy source and helps an infant maintain her body temperature. By the end of this week Baby will have made about 2 ounces of fat, which is about 3.5 percent of her body weight. But by the time she is born fat will account for 15 percent of her body weight, which means a major growth spurt is coming! While the baby is still kicking and jabbing like crazy, some babies at 30 weeks have already settled into a head-down position to prepare for birth.
Fetal development at 30 weeks

Gender: we don't know!

Maternity clothes: of course! Stuff is getting tight and short though

Sleep: Starting to need a pillow between my knees while sleeping on my side otherwise I get sore.

Best moment(s) of the week: Feeling the babys foot kicking and pushing out my stomach. Didn't feel the greatest but it was cool. David was able to feel the baby as well doing this.

Movement: Kicks, punches, rotations, its all happening!

Food cravings/aversions: chocolate peanut butter combo as well as goldfish, pretzels and cheezits are nasty! Can't stand the smell of the boys favorite snacks and then they come and blow it in your face...gross.

Morning sickness: yeah still lingering on some days not on others...

Labor signs: I might be having some braxton hicks now and again.

What I miss: bending over, its getting harder to shave and pick up stuff off the floor. I miss (not doing dishes) but being able to reach the sink comfortably while doing them, my stomach hurts when I am facing the sink so I have to turn just so and bend over just a tad to reach and that just causes my back to hurt!

What I'm looking forward to: SINGLE DIGIT WEEKS! we are getting there!

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

29 weeks

Today's date: April 3, 2012

How far along: 29 weeks

Total weight gain: 8 ish pounds...

Size and growth of the baby:Your baby has tiny eyelashes, fine eyebrows, and ever-lengthening fingernails, but his internal organs are doing the most work this week. His brain is growing rapidly, adding millions of brain cells, and his head is also getting bigger to accommodate all that brilliance. But the biggest news this week is about the baby's defenses: with help from the placenta, Baby is developing an immune system, which gets stronger by the day. The placenta actually begins taking up some of the antibodies from your blood stream and transferring them to the baby in order to prepare for the onslaught of germ exposure once the baby comes out into the world. As the baby builds up his defenses, he is also putting on weight, so much so that you can no longer see the web of blood vessels beneath his skin.
Fetal development at week 29

Gender: we don't know!

Maternity clothes: yes, some shirts are getting to short though

Sleep: It's nice when it happens. And if I do get woken up I have to pee like crazy!

Best moment(s) of the week: hum...I got a coupon for a $20 gift card when you create a registry so even though I don't need one I made one to get the gift card! lol

Movement: more than kicks now. I can feel baby turning around in there too.

Food cravings/aversions: I could use some real chocolate milk...any brown cows around? Should have bought some at the store today.

Morning sickness: hit or miss...driving me nuts

Labor signs: none

What I miss: not having leg, and toe cramps...

What I'm looking forward to: getting to single digits in a couple weeks!