Tuesday, May 08, 2012

34 weeks


Today's date: May 8, 2012

How far along: 34 weeks

Total weight gain: 14 pounds

Heart Rate: Today's heart rate was 140!

Size and growth of the baby:This week Baby's skin is smoothing out and she continues to plump up (sound familiar? She has a lot of plumping up to do!). By now all of her internal and external structures are functioning. Though she has six more weeks to bake, your baby is a whole person now who acts very similarly to a newborn. She hears well enough to react to loud noises outside the womb (notice any kicking when you turn up the music?); her brain developed enough that she can respond to the sound of your voice. Her tastebuds distinguish flavors and her eyes, though still quite myopic, can differentiate between light and dark. If you could peer into the womb you might see her touching a hand to her face, gripping the umbilical cord, or touching one foot to the other leg.
Fetal development at week 34

Gender: Unknown

Maternity clothes: With the weather changing I am really getting low on maternity shirts. Most of my short sleeve shirts are way to tight/short to wear!

Sleep: Not fun! I am really sore in the hips when I wake up, I try to sleep on my back to help my hips from getting sore but that is really hard to do. I also have to get up to pee all the time!

Best moment(s) of the week: Sunday the baby had crazy hicups! They lasted for such a long time. Bought a dresser (used) for the baby. Now I can start washing up clothes and diapers and have somewhere to put them!

Movement: There's a dance party going on in there!

Food cravings/aversions: Fruity drinks and deep fried mozzarella sticks

Morning sickness: morning visits

Labor signs: nope

What I miss: shaving my legs with out loosing breath, walking normal (my hips hurt so bad!)

What I'm looking forward to: Getting the bedrooms switched around and getting things ready for the baby!

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